Appearance and Sound of Hangul

The Consonants

Due to the subjective nature of language, pronunciations will vary from region to region as well as person to person.

To hear a sample of the pronunciation of each letter, click the icon to the left of the Korean character. You can then hear its name and pronunciation.

Name Hangul Pronunciation at the...
Start of a word Start of a syllable End of a word
기역 (giyok) Play audio  ㄱ k (kite) g (ghost) k (walk)
쌍기역 (ssang giyok) Play audio  ㄲ g (gone) <- same <- same
니은 (nieun) Play audio  ㄴ n (now) <- same <- same
디귿 (digeut) Play audio  ㄷ t (talk) d (mind) t (hot)
쌍디귿 (ssang digeut) Play audio  ㄸ d (dog) <- same <- same
리을 (rieul) Play audio  ㄹ r (run) <- same l (real)
미음 (mieum) Play audio  ㅁ m (mop) <- same m (hum)
비읍 (bieup) Play audio  ㅂ p (pool) b (bay) p (lap)
쌍비읍 (ssang bieup) Play audio  ㅃ b (bird) <- same <- same
시옷 (siot) Play audio  ㅅ s (show) <- same t (hot)
쌍시옷 (ssang siot) Play audio  ㅆ s (sun) <- same t (hot)
이응 (ieung) Play audio  ㅇ silent <- same ng (ring)
지읒 (jieut) Play audio  ㅈ ch (chop) j (jar) t (hot)
쌍지읒 (ssang jieut) Play audio  ㅉ j (jim) <- same t (hot)
치읓 (chieut) Play audio  ㅊ ch (itch) <- same t (hot)
키읔 (kieuk) Play audio  ㅋ kh (khaki) <- same <- same
티읕 (tieut) Play audio  ㅌ t (tip) <- same t (hot)
피읖 (pieup) Play audio  ㅍ p (pit) <- same p (lap)
히읕 (hieut) Play audio  ㅎ h (hot) <- same silent

The Vowels

Due to the subjective nature of language, pronunciations will vary from region to region as well as person to person.

To hear a sample of the pronunciation of each letter, click the icon to the left of the Korean character. You can then hear its name and pronunciation.

Play audio  ㅏ ah (Rah)
Play audio  ㅓ uh (run)
Play audio  ㅗ oh (dough)
Play audio  ㅜ oo (moon)
Play audio  ㅡ uh (brook)
Play audio  ㅣ ee (meek)
Play audio  ㅐ ae (at)
Play audio  ㅔ eh (met)
Play audio  ㅑ yah (yawn)
Play audio  ㅕ yuh (yum)
Play audio  ㅛ yoh (yodel)
Play audio  ㅠ yoo (view)
Play audio  ㅒ yae (yak)
Play audio  ㅖ yeh (yes)
Play audio  ㅘ wah (wand)
Play audio  ㅙ wae (wax)
Play audio  ㅝ wuh (wonder)
Play audio  ㅞ weh (web)
Play audio  ㅚ weh (wait)
Play audio  ㅟ wee (week)
Play audio  ㅢ uey (muey)

More information

For a look into how Korean letters are constructed into syllables, click on to the Structure page.

Head to the Pronunciation page to see and hear how these characters are used.

Looking for Hangul flashcards?

One of zKorean's visitors, Steairn Blod, made this flashcard deck for you! You'll need the Anki program to run it, but it's a quick install.
